March 2, 2013

  • Higher Sensory Perception (HSP) & How it Applies to Current Events

    By~Angie Schuyler

    My husband and I were just speaking about the military and police forces. He was telling me about how they are being trained to detain us or kill us. He sees it as a possibility. I don’t see it, at all. 

    I don’t think we have anything to worry about, really.

    I’m pretty sure that, deep down inside, we all want to live in a peaceful world. I’m also pretty sure we have everything we need to create that reality, right here, right now!

    How can I be so sure? Well, here’s my line of thinking and feeling on all this….

    The forces that were, are going to try to convince us that they need money to keep us safe. This is a lie! They are the only real threat to our BEing and they are loosing their ability to hold force over us, at an exponential rate!

    It is very important to understand;




    They invented money and made us dependent on it, specifically, as a way of harvesting our energy. It has been very effective for a very long time. They’ve almost taken us for all we’ve got. They had control of almost all the wealth in the world and yet NOW THEY ARE OUT OF MONEY?!?!

    If they are really out of money, that can only mean one thing. We are, obviously, very effectively, withholding our energy from them!  

    It is our energy which creates our reality. They know that and have harnessed us, so as to use us, to create the fear-based reality they want.

    As each person wakes up to this fact, their connection to us is damaged more and more, and their ability to force us to do their bidding, begins to wane.

    Once a critical mass of us are fully aware of how important it is, to direct our energy with consciousness and intent, all others understand it in an instant and POOF! they have lost all control over us and we are completely free to create our own reality….


    ….because we are in full possession of our ABSOLUTE VALUE (every ounce of our personal energy, our collective energy, and Source energy) we have all the resources we need to instantly create our, collectively desired, peaceful, abundant reality!

    This is just my opinion, mind you. Remember that as you read. I am not forcing my opinions on anyone. You each must discern for yourself.

    So, anyway…

    While hubby is thinking that the soldiers and officers might be coming to get him, I prefer to send spiritual, or psychic, internet messages to them, reminding them that they are ONE of us….. reminding them of the oath they took to protect We The People….. reminding them that I LOVE them…. reminding them that they are LOVE.

    I think that most people, who go into these professions, do so because they truly wish to maintain the peace. Well here’s their ultimate chance to do just that! It is true, they are under some very heavy fear-based programming and the only thing that breaks that programming is LOVE.

    I think many of us are sensing that there is the potential for another false flag attempt but I honestly know that we can diffuse it with LOVE. We just need to stay calm and aware so that we can discern truth from lies and are able to direct our energies in ways that block their attempts.

    Many of us are feeling very confused right now. The forces that were are using the only tool they have left, the mainstream media, to amp up the fear.

    Mercury retrograde is also having an effect, on everything, and our oppressors know very well, how to use this influence against us. It’s easier, during these phases, to get us all confused and riled up, so we do something we might, later, regret. Please try not to jump to conclusions, fly off the handle, let your tongue or your fingers get away with you, or take any hasty action. Mercury will be retrograde through March 17th.

    In the meantime, it’s the best atmosphere in which to think and plan and mull over. There is no need to come to any conclusions. Mercury retrograde is all about examining the questions and working out solutions to problems. Make every effort to remain calm, cleansed, balanced and centered. Breath, relax, meditate and think positive, LOVEing thoughts. Walk in nature. Be kind to everyone you cross paths with. Commit to peace and have faith in the Power of LOVE.

    Fear is the opposite of LOVE and cannot even exist in LOVEs presence. If we ignore the fear and choose, instead, to BE LOVE, we instantly come into direct communication with THE SOURCE of ABSOLUTE DATA. This ignites our Higher Sensory Perception(HSP).

    When I say “ignore the fear” I mean, stop watching mainsteam television, movies, videos. Stop playing violent video games…. and listening to popular music… Yes, even the frequency of our popular music is designed to control us. When you disconnect from all that stuff, for just a few days, you will feel like a completely new person! I swear it. Try it if you don’t believe me. The confusion will begin to clear immediately!

    LOVE’s communication center is the heart. When we remember how to listen to the heart, we become open to our HSP and begin to hone it.

    If you find yourself confused, in the head, try feeling your way along, instead. Start paying attention to the solar plexus region of your body. LOVE and fear, feel much different in the body. Start noticing how it feels when you feel fear-based emotions like anger, anxiety, lack, vengeance  vs. when you feel LOVE-based emotions like peace, gratefulness, forgiveness. ONE is pleasant. The other is not. It is as simple as that.

    It also helps to trust your very first feeling and/or thought, over all others, because that first thought is the ABSOLUTE DATA you are seeking. If you pay attention to what your heart tells you, rather than listening to your head, you may find it easier to navigate through this confusing time.

    Spirit also speaks to us through signs, so pay attention to synchronicities, coincidences, seeing multiples of words or numbers…. or animals or ideas popping into your awareness all over the place. Everything has meaning. Cloud formations, over-heard conversations… perceived accidents. There are no accidents, by the way. If multiples appear to you, start looking up their symbolic meaning. I swear, it will freak you out (in a good way) how fitting the information will be.

    Most important of all…. BE MASTER OF YOUR OWN ENERGY. Reclaiming our energy is the most important task at hand.

    I have faith that the goodness within all of us is pulled together to carry us peacefully through whatever changes are to come.

    SO IT IS!



  • An Open Letter to All People Who are on the Governement Payroll

    By~Angie Schuyler

    This includes, but is not limited to, all public servants, all elected officials, all military, all police, all public education employees, all welfare, medicaid, medicare, foodstamp and social security recipients…. any person who receives regular income, of any kind, from any level of (foreclosed) government/corporation, in any region of the world, any (foreclosed) government/corporation paid shills or trolls, or any person, anywhere, who has been coerced by any (foreclosed) government/corporation, to take up arms or perform any action against We The People.

    I affirm and intend, ALL become aware of what I am about to say. I send these words out, on the ethers, and direct them, with intention, into the mass consciousness and into the Eternal Hearts of ALL.

    I know, right now, some of you may really feel as if you will not be able to survive, without the pay you receive from the (foreclosed) government/ corporation. In many cases, that pay is a pittance that barely covers your basic necessities and yet you fear not having it and you allow that fear to trap you within an illusion that you may easily and immediately step out of, should you choose. 

    I write to you today because it is my feeling that those of you who are on ”the payroll” will be the first asked/ordered to betray your family and friends, for a measly government pittance. They will attempt to control you with threats of cutting you off. I say “Let them cut you off!  You’ll do far better when they are out of the way. Faith and unity will carry us through while we shake them off. We must learn to depend on each other… to co-operate and share…. to barter and trade, amongst ourselves. We need to keep our money away from them. If we keep our money we keep our energy. They cannot survive without our energy. I know I am being repetitive. I write often of this exact point but it cannot be stressed enough.

    MONEY = ENERGY to the forces that were.


    They take, without giving anything in return and, in so doing, have created an imbalance in our world. It is time to restore the balance.

    I want to remind you all that WE ARE ALL ONE. We are ALL created by the same CREATOR and we have all been enslaved by a sneaky dark force. We are ALL in the same boat here and as long as we understand this and unite to change it we can be free of it, once and for all!

    Once our oppressors are moved out of the way, we have access to unfathomable riches and treasures. It is time NOW for us to reclaim our personal power, freedom and all the stolen resources, on behalf of ALL THAT IS.

    When you understand the true value, of the riches they have stolen from us, you will know how laughable it is that any one of us should ever have gone without the full fulfillment or every one of our most grand desires. It is nothing short of the most heinous crime that there are people dying of starvation, illness and exposure. It is time to put a stop to it!

    It is our birthright , our honor and our privilege, to be responsible stewards to this planet and everything upon, within and around Her. Her most valuable resources have been stolen and hoarded away from us and used to control us. Amongst those resources is the most important one of all. Our own energy. The ENERGY OF ONENESS.

    oooooooooo…. the chill I get sometimes when I refer to ONENESS.

    Please be aware, our negative, fear-based reaction to that word is part of the programming, put upon all of us, by the forces that were. It is time to sort that out within ourselves, because it is a huge and unnecessary stumbling block.

    In this dualistic paradigm, the forces that were would, naturally, have to have their own version of the oneness concept. There have to be opposing interpretations. This idea of oneness is imprinted on the soul of every being. And, as with all things, we have a free will choice as to how we interpret it and act upon our interpretation.

    There is a “service to self” version and a “service to others” version.

    The service to self version is chosen by people who wish to force others to submit to their will. It is a paradigm of world dominance…. complete control of all life. That version is where the few rule over the many. This is the paradigm we’ve been living in.

    The service to others paradigm promotes, free will, abundance and equality for ALL. It’s kinda a no-brainer to me but we all have a free-will choice to make. The most important thing is that we make one and that it be an ABSOLUTELY informed one.

    There is the ONE which FREES us and the one which enslaves us. Which do you choose?

    For me the choice is obvious and simple!

    If we wish to be free, we must NOW pull our energetic resources together for the HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL!

    I really hope we can stop it with the senseless bickering! I’m referring to the issues between the trusts. Why squabble over the details and the differences of how we choose to get to a peaceful, abundant reality. The way I see it, there are several different trusts out there which have been struggling for decades, or maybe even centuries, to actually get their hands on the promised treasures. The OPPT gives us the opportunity to work together on behalf of THE WHOLE to see all of the trusts turn fluid and become tangible reality.

    Energy is being wasted on senseless “My way is better than yours.” arguments. We are on the same team. We are all in this together, WE ARE ONE! Once we move the forces that were, out of our way, we all may have our every wish fullfilled, as long as we DO NO HARM!

    I have one last point to make. I feel that it is almost laughable that I need to point this out and yet indications are that there are some who are resistant to “getting” it.

    Let’s talk about the wild, wacky and far out theory that the OPPT is just another slavery system.

    How exactly is it that anyone could ever enslave us again, now that we know that there is no force or presence in existence, which can interject itself between us and our Creator?

    THE OPPT, UCC filings have destroyed every entity which previously interjected itself between we and our Creator. That means that all loopholes, allowing any kind of human slavery, have just been clamped, airtight, closed!

    I know how difficult it must be, for those of you who are just being made aware of the extent of the atrocities perpetrated against us. I have had the luxury of waking up to all of this, slowly, over more than a decade, and I have been fortunate to have taken a relaxed pace through the grieving process these realizations set off within me. Those of you awakening right now are probably feeling far more rushed. It may be very difficult for you to relax and have faith. I sense the urgency and confusion and despair in the air, just as I know you all do and I offer my assistance, in any way I might be needed.

    If you need someone to talk you down or to hash out questions with, I will do my best to contribute helpful answers and if I don’t have them I’ll find someone who does. Research is a fun hobby for me so asking me to find an answer is no imposition.




    SO IT IS!



    P.S. Please feel free to share this far and wide. The more people who read it, the more powerful the effect of the intention.

February 23, 2013

  • Does it matter if the OPPT, UCC filings are “legal” or not?

    By ~ Angie Schuyler

    “No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.”
    ~Rajiv Gandhi

    If nothing else, the One People’s Public Trust, UCC filings, have served as a wake-up call to all of humanity. It has made us publicly aware of the corruption of our political and monetary systems. It has informed us, in no uncertain terms, that we’ve been duped. We’ve been forced to come to the stark realization that all the systems we have allowed to be built up around us, as alleged systems of support (for, of and by the people) are in reality, for-profit corporations that are draining the earth of her resources and stealing all of humanity blind. 

    They have no true authority over us!

    Now that we know this, how can we ignore it and allow it to continue?

    The way I see it, we need to face the fact that there are no real governments, no real courts, no real judges. The Federal Reserve is a for-profit, private corporation, as is the Internal Revenue Service. In reality, there is no legal entity which has any right to say that these filings are legal or illegal.

    All the entities, which have been taxing us into oblivion, are privately owned, for profit, corporations that pocket and hoard everything we allow them to take from us. The so called ”legal” system is nothing more than their thug-arm collection system.

    Are we going to continue to allow them to pilfer from us, or are we going to stand up and reclaim our power?

    The financial sector, which is completely intertwined with the government and legal systems, is also a huge issue. Now that we understand that money is an illusion and we have been working ourselves to death, paying interest and payments on a lie, which has literally been created out of thin air, what will we choose to do in response?

    Will we continue to succumb to this facade? Are we so apathetic, complacent, lazy and irresponsible as to knowingly sell our future generations into a slavery system, with ever-tightening controls and elevating levels of cruelty and greed?

    Regardless of whether the One People’s Public Trust, UCC filings would be considered “legal” will we knowingly submit to the slavery system and continue to allow the corruption and crimes against humanity, to continue?

    We do not need our current government, monetary and judicial systems, near as much as they need us. Without us they will falter and fail and we will be free to re-invent ourselves, according to what is the Highest Good of ALL.

    It is our own energy which allows them to keep doing us harm. As long as we allow them to take it, we are complicit in our own demise. Is it not time for us to seriously consider withdrawing our energy, from their agendas, and start investing it, instead, into healing ourselves and our world?

    The greatest favor the OPPT has done for us is to reveal the truth which has the power to set us free.

    Freedom is an idea who’s time has come!

    “Not all the armies in the world can stop an idea whose time has come”
    ~Victor Hugo

February 19, 2013




    Someone posed this question to me so I will answer it publicly incase others have the same query.

    All I can do is give you my own impressions, my own feelings…… Ultimately, you need to make up your own mind.

    Actually, that’s a good place to start.

    The first thing I resonate with, in regards to the OPPT, is that no one is trying to force this down anyone’s throats. It is being presented as a completely free-will choice that each individual is being asked to make.

    We just hope people will actually look and see, so they are making a truly informed choice.

    There is also the element of forgiveness that surrounds this idea.

    I hold the opinion that we are crossing a threshold from a dualistic paradigm into a paradigm of unity. In a dualistic reality there must be contrast. For Love to exist, so must fear. We would not recognize up, if there were no down; in, if there were no out; cold, if there were no hot. In a unity consciousness paradigm there is no longer need for the contrast. Humanity evolves beyond it by creating so much Love and Light that the fear and darkness can cease to exist…. can dissolve back into the Light. We create that Light through our Love and forgiveness of those who have done us harm. We can forgive them when we understand that the ones who chose to be the darkness were there to help us… They actually Love us so much that they chose, in the time between lives, to be the dark in our world, in order to give us the incentive to BE THE LIGHT! In my mind that is a huge sacrifice and I honor it, as do many of the OPPT bunch. The people who are the growing support system around the OPPT are Loving, courageous, intelligent, forgiving and peaceful people. They are breaking down barriers, rather than building up walls. They are offering peaceful solutions rather than making threats or preparing for violent resolution.

    If you don’t believe me, I challenge you to go check out the discussion groups. Everyone who has OPPTed-IN is very civil, Loving, kind and compassionate, even with those who come in and try to make trouble.

    I feel this to be THE answer to my own personal wishes for a peaceful, ethical, honest and Loving way for humanity to transition into a new paradigm.

    I pray that ALL will overcome their fears and open their hearts to receive this information. What you do with it from there is your own free-will choice.


    I hope you all like my OPPT Wordle!

February 18, 2013

  • One People’s Public Trust Lawfully Forecloses Corporations, Banks and Governments for Operatin

    By Andy Whiteley

    Co-Founder of Wake Up World and Being of the Creator

    Many of you have heard… many have not. Announced publicly on 25 December 2012, the system of Corporate-Governmental rule has been foreclosed. Legally foreclosed… via one of its own mechanisms. The “Powers That Be” are now the “Powers That Were”. All debt has been erased and corporations – including but not limited to Corporate Governments and Banks – have been foreclosed.

    Sure, they may continue to play along in hopes we will play along with them. But thanks to a series of UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) filings made by the One People’s Public Trust (known as OPPT) the choice is now yours to make. A new framework for social governance is now in effect; a fact that has been ratified by the ‘legal’ framework of its corporate-controlled predecessor.

    Systemically speaking… WE ARE FREE!!


    (Get comfortable folks – this is a long article but it’s one you can’t afford to miss!!)

    One People’s Public Trust

    The conclusion of legal actions taken by the OPPT have generated a lot of excitement. And rightly so!The potential for positive change it creates is MOMENTUS!

    But before we get into the implications I’d like to present to you the “what happened” and “how” of the situation.

    Corporate-controlled Government and corporate-controlled Media refuse to announce their own demise – for obvious reason. So as informed global citizens, I believe our role is to understand what happened and how, so that we can inform others… and finally start the process of worldwide change we’ve all been waiting for.

    But First, A Reality Check

    Before I go on, allow me to state a few facts up front.

    1) Governments are were Corporations. The Corporate Government phenomenon is not only demonstrated by the way “governments” behave as Beneficiaries (not as Trustees) of the government Trust, but the paper-trail also proves it! The United States, Canada, Australia, The United Kingdom, France, Italy, Brazil, Japan, South Africa…. and the list goes on…. all are US-based corporate entities, registered as such with the United States Security & Exchanges Commission… and operating as such at our expense. “The system” is oligarchical in nature, in that it is geared only to profit “the few” while the rest of us work to support it.

    2) Persons are were corporations: At birth, a birth certificate application is signed by your parents which is used by Corporate Government to commence a Trust in your name. This Trust is used as collateral, and a collateral account is created and funded in your name. You are the Beneficiary of this Trust… but no-one tells you it exists. If you do not complete a Will by the age of 7, Corporate Government declares you deceased – under admiralty law of all things! – and you are officially considered by the system to be “lost at sea”. Seriously. Corporate Government then assumes financial control of your estate, and they – aware that most of us do in fact live beyond 7 – continue to treat us as living slaves. The funds generated by monetizing your life – using you as collateral – are loaned to you when you apply for bank finance, mortgages etc. You are then forced to work to repay those funds – plus interest – back to the system. Legally, you have no rights because you’re considered “dead” by the age of 7. You lose.

    (Click here for more information on the Government Trust relationship).

    3) Mass media is the tool used by Corporate Governments to deliver propaganda directly to your home. It is used to manipulate public perceptions of Corporate Government actions and inactions, to reinforce social norms, limits and behaviours, and to sell you crap by creating a “need” and then providing you with a product to fulfill it. And it isn’t limited just to Media; the psychology of the “old” paradigm is reinforced through educational and religious institutions as well.

    Corporations, Governments and Media all tell the same lies. They are all part of the same beast.

    4) As a result, the world’s economic structure is was a mechanism of mass slavery. Slavery is a system under which people are treated as property, and are forced to work. Slaves are held against their will from the time of their capture, purchase or birth, and deprived of the right to leave, or to refuse to work.

    Sound familiar?

    You were born into “the system” without any say in how it works. You were raised and taught to contribute to the system. You must work exhaustive hours in the system, and you must pay taxes to the system. You must adhere to the rules of the system – most of which relate to property and ownership – or you will be punished by the system. By design, the system will deliver abundance only to a select few, and many others will go hungry. But if you don’t like it, you cannot leave the system. The system “owns” everything, everyone and everywhere.

    Until now, you had one option: play along. It’s like living in a casino with no exit. And the house always wins.

    When Were Our Governments Corporatized?

    It all started with the introduction of the Reserve Bank system. When the Federal Reserve Act was implemented in the United States in 1913, Congressman Charles Lindberg warned the US Congress in a Congressional Record dated, December 22, 1913 (vol. 51) that an inevitable consequence of instituting the Federal Reserve system was that – using their power to inflate and deflate an economy – corporations would take control.

    In Congressman Lindbergh’s words: “From now on, depressions will be scientifically created”.

    And they are. In 1929s, the “Powers That Were” deliberately crashed the stock market. How? Fluctuations in the stock market are driven by emotion. Prior to the 1929 crash, excitement was created in the market which created a period of inflation. Those in control unloaded their holdings at premium prices, then created a panic in the market. And as prices plummeted, they bought back their holdings at fire-sale prices – and eliminated their ailing competition in the process.

    In short, the Great Depression was artificially generated so the large corporations that controlled the stock market could profit from lending governments the money required to recover from its orchestrated collapse. Sovereign nations were ultimately forced to sign onto debt agreements which, by their nature, could never be paid off. And as national debts began to mount, the “slavery by debt” paradigm was formalized…. and corporations took control.

    Today, Corporate Governments continue to masquerade as real government. The Reserve Bank system (which now dominates western economies) continues to drive periods of ‘market-boom’ and ‘market-bust’ by strategically tightening and relaxing the supply of money and credit. The current Global Financial Crisis is a perfect example. And all the while, establishment Media plays its part by influencing the emotion of the stock market and facilitating political untruths.

    But the complex campaign undertaken by the OPPT has forced the corporate system into foreclosure. All corporations, including Government and Banking systems, have been rendered extinct using their own mechanisms of commercial regulation. Lawfully speaking, it’s a case of out with the old trusts and in with the new! 

    So Is This The “Overthrow Of Government”?

    No – it is the overthrow of the corporations who have until now masqueraded as government. If you understand that “governments” are actually corporations that have overwritten the constitutions of sovereign nations by stealth, their demise can only be seen as long overdue.

    The fraud of government is real. And finally – by their failure to rebut the UCC claims – the entire corporate government complex stands guilty of fraud, treason and slavery. By international law, the OPPT has the right to claim remedy on behalf of the One People for those crimes. They chose to foreclose on and terminate the corporations, banks and governments responsible, and to confiscate all assets and infrastructures of these entities – including all the gold and silver held as assets by the banking system – and place them in the hands of the One People.

    Don’t think of it as an overthrow, think of it as the recovery of stolen property. The actions of the One People’s Public Trust essentially reclaim what is ours, as sovereign beings of this planet. Universal Law, Common Law and the UCC are now the governing law of the planet.

    (I will later describe in detail the mechanisms implemented by the OPPT to replace the necessary functions of governance).

    UCC: The Bible Of Commerce

    The UCC is the “bible” of commerce; it precisely dictates the manner in which international trade and commerce should be enacted. In fact, the entire commercial system pivots around UCC law. If your mortgage is foreclosed on or your car is repossessed, the bank uses the UCC process to do so.

    But UCC law is not taught in law schools. It remains the domain of corporations and their operatives, who train their legal-department employees in UCC law as required – thus keeping the knowledge of this important mechanism “in house”. But one of the trustees of OPPT was professionally involved in UCC law for some time, and understands intimately how the “Powers That Were” manipulated the UCC to control the United States financial system at a very high level.

    UCC expert, mother, and OPPT spearhead Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf used the foreclosure of her own home as a test case. She challenged the foreclosure through UCC process, and in doing so discovered – put very simply – that the U.S. court system invariably supports the corporate system.

    Not surprising really, given that 99% of our laws relate to ownership… or commerce.

    After exercising extreme prudence, the OPPT concluded that the corporations operating under the guise of the people’s governments and financial systems were committing treason against the people of this planet without the people’s knowing, willing and intentional consent. The final report from the investigation can be found here.

    So… in order to foreclose on “the system”, the Trustees of OPPT set a trap using the legal structure provided to them BY “the system”.

    How Did The Trustees Achieve Foreclosure?

    The OPPT is managed by Trustees Caleb Skinner, Hollis Randall Hillner and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf. The OPPT was created when the Trustees bonded themselves to – and as a result resumed – the trust that was framed in the original US Constitution of 1776; the constitution that was abandoned when the United States government was corporatized in 1933.

    The OPPT then bonded every individual on the planet to this Trust as the Beneficiaries in equity, known as “the One People, created by The Creator”. By doing so, the Trustees framed a Trust that has a superior claim to any other – the Trust between the Creator and the “states of being” of Earth. The “states of being” of Earth are the beneficiaries of the Creator as the custodians of the Creator’s manifestations on Earth. Lawfully speaking, there can be no higher claim than that of the One People’s Public Trust… except for one made by the Creator.

    Our planet’s resources – specified in the UCC filings to be the world’s gold and silver – cannot therefore be owned, sold to us for a price, metered out in ‘salary’ quantities to enslave us, or withheld to create poverty or destitution. Under the One People’s Public Trust, we all have equity. Our planet’s resources now belong to each of us in equal measure. That is our birth right. Now it is law.

    Between 2011 and 2012, the Trustees lodged a complex series of filings with the UCC on behalf of its Beneficiary. Full details of the OPPT’s filings with the UCC can be found on their website: Be warned: it is very heavy legal reading and designed for the purposes of legal noticing and disclosure, not for communicating OPPT’s actions or their implications to the general public. However the Trustees are working directly with the global ‘alternative media’ community to ensure the public receive accurate, clear and relevant information.

    To summarize these documents:

    Understanding that corporations, governments and banks are one and the same, an “Order of Finding and Action” was filed against the “the debtor”, a legal entity created via the UCC process which encompasses all corporate entities. The filings claim that the Debtor “knowingly, willingly and intentionally committed treason” by “owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems” and “operating Slavery Systems used against… citizens without their knowing, willing and intentional consent”.

    UCC filings are public records, and follow standard administrative processes. When facing a claim, an entity (in this case “the Debtor”) is given the right of rebuttal. If a rebuttal is not received within the required timeframe, a default action then applies, followed by termination of that entity; in this case, on the grounds that it failed to rebut charges of treason by “the One People”.

    The important thing to understand here is that a UCC filing stands as law if it remains unrebutted. And in this case, the OPPT Trustees ensured they created a legal situation in which the individuals and entities that form “the debtor” had no ability to rebut. How could they? The claims of slavery and fraud are true.

    Of course, no rebuttal was received.

    The ‘Debtor’ is therefore guilty of treason.

    As remedy, corporations are foreclosed and their assets re-claimed.

    The wealth of our planet is returned to “the One People”.

    All corporate debt is erased.

    “The system” is terminated.

    The public record shows it.

    The UCC filing stands as international law.

    By the system’s own terms, it no longer exists.

    We are free!!

    Click here to read the press release issued by the One People’s Public Trust on 4th February 2013.

    So What Does All This Mean?

    Lawfully, nobody can stand as a superior authority between you and your relationship with the Creator. Having removed the control-mechanisms of economy and government, the One People’s Public Trust leaves individuals in full liability, being personally responsible for themselves and for ensuring the free-will rights of others. There is no longer a structural chain of command. No rules. No corporations to hide behind. You are – as the Creator intended – a Being and a guardian of our planet and its inhabitants.

    It’s a MASSIVE paradigm shift, and one that will no doubt take some time to be realized in full.

    The systemic barriers that inhibited our free will and choices have now been removed, which poses challenges to the way we view ourselves and the way we make choices in our own lives. We now live – on paper at least – in a system of self-responsibility. The OPPT filings register this in perpetuity, and in such a way that your free will can never be taken away without your knowing consent.

    Until now, our existence under the former slavery system has been a constant struggle; a struggle to balance work and family commitments; a struggle just to “make ends meet”, to “afford” a place to live – a place in which to exist.

    But in a world of ABUNDANCE designed specifically by the Creator to provide for our needs, this struggle was not a natural state of being. Rather it was the result of psychological warfare played out against us. And it worked! It kept us humans under control, kept us working like good little slaves, and ensured the profits kept rolling in for the privileged few in “power”.

    But today, by its own terms, “the system” no longer exists.

    Many of us saw “the system” for what it was. Many did not. Many didn’t believe that “the system” was even a system. Many will realize it shortly.

    Regardless, as the demise of the old paradigm takes root and becomes apparent in our societies, a psychological change must happen within all of us. It may seem overwhelming, but we humans have dealt with paradigm change before; consider the internal and psychological change required of the African American slave race when the system of involuntary servitude was abolished… of the German people when the Berlin Wall was ordered down in 1989… of the citizens of the former Soviet Union at its dissolution in 1991… of the Egyptian people who removed their dictator in 2011… and of the Icelandic people who imprisoned their corrupt bankers and politicians and re-wrote their constitution in 2012….

    This type of psychological revolution is not new. But it does pose many personal challenges.

    This is a time to be brave, and to be bravely YOU. In the absence of a controlling structure we must each take control of our destinies, and of the destiny of our planet. We must learn to make choices for ourselves again, and start to create the world WE want to live in.

    Just like new parents, we must accept that life will not be the same as it was… and in the absence of a “rule book” we will attune to our instincts and learn to co-operate in new ways….. together.

    Why Can’t I See The Change??

    Be patient… you will. But first, we need to identify how the actions of OPPT change the lawful landscape, and how that relates to us.

    Will the old corporate system go down fighting? Of course it will! Corporate-controlled Governments are going through the motions as though nothing has changed. And if you continue to accept their system of debt slavery, I’m sure the “Powers That Were” will happily continue to accommodate you!

    But don’t be fooled: they know what has happened. They know they have been foreclosed. They know the game is over. It is now international law.

    We have the freedom to peacefully not co-operate with the old system. It is time to exercise that freedom.

    If it seems strange that the visible “governments” are still masquerading as such, bear in mind…. visible governments are corporate puppets, and were never really calling the shots. At this point, the former owners want us to believe it is ‘business as usual’. They have relied heavily on secrecy until now. They will keep pretending to the very end. That is just their way.

    OPPT Trustee Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf provided the following statement in a recent Freedom Radio interview that summarizes her plan to address this matter:

    “For those wondering about OPPT’s response to the actions or inactions of those people we can visibly see, it is the wizards and the big-dogs behind the curtain that I am coming for… and they know it. In absolute love and peace, with absolute gratitude and grace… Heather.”

    Managing “Old System” Actions Against You

    With the dissolution of the debt/slavery system, any fictional debt you supposedly owed to that system was also dissolved. Think about this for a minute!

    To facilitate your smooth transition out of the old system, you will need to understand what immediate remedy you can apply to “old system” actions that are currently being undertaken against you.

    In two recent Wake Up World articles, we discussed a pre-OPPT method of re-asserting your authority on the Corporate Government mechanism (read Part 1 & Part 2). This method was rooted in the knowledge that (1) the former governments were corporations, and (2) the onus is on anyone claiming the authority of legitimate government to prove it.

    You can view a real life case-study of this method in Scott Bartle’s documentary What the FUQ? Frequently Unanswered Questions of the “Australian Government”

    Generically, the crux of this challenge was:

    “You have made a claim on me, and I am happy to comply with your demand… however I would like to ascertain that I am dealing with the right people. Please demonstrate to me that you represent true government as constituted at the creation of this country.”

    In this situation, once the Corporate Government entity failed to demonstrate its legitimacy, control of that interaction could be assumed by you by introducing your own Terms and Conditions under which any interaction between you and that entity may continue.

    In a post-OPPT world, your process for challenging the authority of alleged ‘Corporate agents’ (including those claiming to represent Government) is essentially:

    I would be happy to comply with your demand… however in UCC Law there is a filing that remains unrebutted which foreclosed upon the entity you claim to represent. You are now operating on your own personal liability. Please cease your claim on me. If you decide to pursue this claim again, any future interactions between us will be under the following conditions…”

    Remembering that the agent no longer represents a corporate entity, a Courtesy Notice should be provided to the individual, including the ‘Terms & Conditions’ under which you will accept any future interactions. This both informs them, and allows them the opportunity to withdraw their unlawful claim against you. If the agent initiates further contact with you, they trigger a personal contract between you by indicating their acceptance of the terms you provided.

    If a second agent of the same former corporation contacts you about the same claim, repeat the process with that individual also. Remember, corporations no longer exist. You are only dealing with other individuals.

    Detailed guidelines for creating your own Courtesy Notice and Terms and Conditions are available at The power is there for YOU to enact.

    Public awareness of the new paradigm will take time to manifest in our society. Until the implications of the One People’s Public Trust become widely known and adopted in the community, please be respectful of those who don’t already know. Eventually, as individuals wake up to the new paradigm, they will simply cease operating on the former corporation’s behalf. But if you need to serve a Courtesy Notice to an individual in the meantime, honor your position of knowledge and take the opportunity to respectfully inform them. Ground-level agents of former Corporations, Banks and Governments are just like you and I; they are were slaves to the same system too. They just don’t know the truth yet, that’s all.

    In the case of ‘legal’ dealings, it is not recommended that you serve a Courtesy Notice with Terms & Conditions to a (former) police officer who pulls you over on the street. Again, they are just like the rest of us… and realistically they are likely to arrest and “charge” you if you approach them that way. Until public awareness reaches saturation point, I recommend that you comply with the ground-level officer, then serve them a Courtesy Notice via fax, email, registered mail… or even hand deliver it. Should it escalate to a court, notify the Magistrate/Judge (or similar) in the same way before your scheduled court date. I don’t recommended you put a Judge on the spot by providing them with Terms and Conditions in court. If you are respectful and allow them to read the Courtesy Notice privately before your hearing, you achieve a better outcome for all Beings involved in that interaction.

    Remember: The process of issuing Courtesy Notices is just as much a learning exercise for those being served as it is a remedy for your situation. Co-operation between individuals is the key to manifesting the new paradigm in our society. In the absence of any corporate-controlled Media coverage of this subject, public awareness of the One People’s Public Trust will only occur through the respectful sharing of information within our communities and networks.

    After all, we are “One People, created by The Creator”.

    What Mechanisms Are Provided Under The OPPT?

    With the lawful dissolution of the Corporate Government system comes the dissolution of the multitude of statutes and regulations that were created through its legislative and administrative frameworks. As Beneficiaries of the One People’s Public Trust, UCC, Universal Law and Common Law are the only rules in play.

    Universal Law is essentially the overarching principle for governing conduct between beings. Universal Law is expressed as ”any free will choice is permissible except where it interferes with the free will choice of another being”. This is fundamental to the OPPT framework.

    Common Law refers to laws of precedent developed through the decisions of courts and similar tribunals over millennia. Common Law works on the principle that it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions, and on the principle of “do no harm, cause no loss”.

    To facilitate our transition into the post-OPPT world, the Trustees created a new lawful framework – informed by Universal and Common Law – which will allow us to build a new world and also allows for the dismantling of the old system.

    Any person, and specifically existing military personnel whose oaths have been cancelled by the termination of the corporation they worked for, may “knowingly, willingly, and intentionally volunteer” to be bonded to the One People’s Public Trust “as public servants… to protect and serve the people of the creator”.

    Public Servants who choose to become bonded to the Trust are:

    • “Authorized and ordered to protect and preserve the blood and life” of all persons
    • Authorized to “take into custody any and all … agents and officers… owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems… legal enforcement systems… [and] operating slavery systems”.
    • Authorized to “repossess all private money systems, tracking, transferring, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems”.
    • “Granted due authority of discretion… to use any [and] all means, force and strategies… to complete this order”.

    In effect, willing members of the military are provided a lawful framework to abandon the Corporate-controlled military, to bond themselves to the OPP Trust, and to actively contribute to the re-possession of the One People’s assets.

    And if I’m any judge of human nature, an increasing number of agents will be glad to accept these “orders”!

    Now… the ‘enforcement’ order doesn’t mean that public servants will come and arrest the first collections agent that calls you about your overdue credit card. It is the role of each of us – as Beings of the Creator – to help others at ground-level to understand this change, by informing them and providing them with Courtesy Notices. The ‘enforcement’ order relates to the Owners of the foreclosed Corporate Government structure; the 1%.

    Assistance Centers for the One People

    ‘Community service’ was clearly not a motivator to the former owners of “the system”. Nonetheless, their corporations fulfilled some necessary functions of public assistance like police and public health services… albeit in hopes we wouldn’t notice they were corporations!

    So what provisions does OPPT include for public service?

    Creator’s Value Asset Centers (or CVAC’s) are assistance mechanisms designed to support and serve humanity, the custodians of Earth. They provide an interconnected planet-wide network of support, operated by bonded public servants who act in full liability at all times. They provide a simple framework of governance and administration, covering 8 areas of functional process:

    1. Systems of Knowledge
    2. Communication
    3. Travel
    4. Transparency
    5. Protection & peacekeeping
    6. Accountability
    7. Treasury
    8. Repossession*

    * The transitional function of reclaiming from The Debtor the resources, infrastructure and wealth of the One People, in accordance with the terms of the One People’s Public Trust.

    Each former nation on the planet has one CVAC branch reserved for it, with the exception of the Vatican. Each CVAC branch will administer the same services and operate in the same way as the CVAC branches in other regions. Every human on the planet will be supported by each and any CVAC hub, and every human will have access to the same resources and support networks. Each administrative area of each CVAC will be operated by a local council and led by a steward, whose primary role is to co-ordinate and facilitate the One People in making decisions and resolving issues. The structure also allows for additional sub-CVACs to be created to accommodate new circumstances or initiatives, provided that their function is for the benefit of all Beings and doesn’t undermine the freewill rights of others.

    In an interview on The CrowHouse on 15th February 2013, OPPT Trustee Heather Tucci-Jarraf described the CVAC structure as “a safe and guarded place for you to Be and Do as you choose… just don’t damage anybody else”.

    Our possibilities are literally boundless!

    By its definition, the CVAC system is the antithesis of the corrupt corporate tools we called “Governments”. Accountability, measurability and transparency are the cornerstones of the CVAC framework. CVACs will provide the platform for us to simplify and unify laws for all, and to ensure the needs of all are met. They are prevented from impinging on the free will of any entity “in any and all existence”, and bound to “preserve and protect all creations, and value and asset centres”. Stewards and council members will be subject to 3-monthly renewal of their bonded roles, which ensures that public servants remain responsible to “the One People” at all times.

    For these reasons, CVACs are the foundation of a new type of governance. The system now serves us, and not the other way around. And with awareness and support from the One People swelling, its first task will be to remove the old cabal.

    Documentation relating to the creation and terms of CVAC’s is available at Further information will be published soon.

    Moving Forward As “The One People”

    The One People’s Public Trust represents a massive paradigm shift. It provides a structural change that will enable a long-overdue energetic change.

    The OPPT ratifies our freedom as Beings of the Creator in perpetuity. It corrects by law the imbalances of poverty, inequity and unsustainability. It provides a platform through which we can all experience the wonders and resources of our planet. And by removing the façade of corporate entities and the ridiculous protocols that protected its perpetrators, we will energetically reconnect with each other. As Beings. In full liability. Each with equity. As we are. Free.

    We are in a period of massive social, political and spiritual transformation.

    Personally, this transition feels a little like we are between worlds. The systemic framework that controlled our lives for so long has been removed, but the change hasn’t yet manifested in full in the physical world around us. The process of reforming former corporations into worldwide co-operatives will no doubt take time, but we already have the lawful power to reject the old system. And yet it hasn’t stopped pretending to be real.

    We have so many decisions to make too! What will we choose to BE and DO in the new world? What opportunities will we create with the CVACs framework? And realistically, what will we do with the “Powers That Were”?

    For now, it is the duty of every human Being to manifest the freedom of the One People’s Public Trust in our daily lives, and to help others to understand and integrate and manifest it in their lives too.

    Freedom is not free. It comes with responsibility.

    Change starts with you.

    Do the right thing now.

    Embrace your responsibility.

    Spread the word.

    OPPT IN.


    Visit the new OPPT page on Wake Up World!

    • Read other articles about OPPT
    • Listen to radio shows about OPPT
    • Connect with OPPT-In social media groups
    • Visit other websites that support OPPT
    • Locate OPPT documentation, press releases and other materials

    Related articles:

    About the author

    Andy Whiteley is the co-founder of Wake Up World and a Being of the Creator.

    Special thanks to Chris Hales, Ken & Scott Bartle, Lisa Harrison, and Ryan & Lea Mullins for their invaluable input.

    Respect and gratitude to the Trustees of the One People’s Public Trust.

    Peace and love to the One People created by the Creator, and to every other entity in any and all existences.


February 15, 2013

  • Children in Cages

    NOTE: this blog was originally written and posted here near the end of 2011 or beginning of 2012. It has since disappeared from here. Thankfully I had a copy of it elsewhere. It came to mind today so I am going to re-post it here. I think it’s something we need to stay aware of.


    This is a description of one of my meditation journeys. On this particular day (11/11/11) I was focusing on bringing healing Love and Light to the children of the illuminati. I had recently listened to an interview with a woman who called herself Svali(?). Svali was born into the illuminati and in the 1990′s she escaped them and tried to live a life outside of their influence. She wrote extensively of her experience, before they tortured her into submission. She is not the only one to escape “the order” and she is not the only one trying to expose their horrible deeds. I can provide you with a long list of others. What I came to realize, as I read and listened to Svali, is that there is a large group of very damaged people out there and they need our help. So, I decided that the best I can do is to pray for them and send them healing Love and Light.

    As I began my meditation journey on that day…. I went into a meditative trance and sent my spirit out to find the ones who needed the Light I was bringing. I immediately found myself in a completely dark room. Not a single window. The only light was the Light I brought with me and it was enough that I was seen by others in the room. There was a man… a guard… sitting in a chair by a door. He saw me but didn’t make any attempt to do anything. I got the sense that he was okay with me being there. The walls on one side of the long narrow room were lined, three rows high, with large steel dog cages. Inside these cages were children of varying ages from about 4 years old on up into their teenage years. They didn’t make a single sound. All I heard was their breathing. Most of them were barely responsive. I’m pretty sure they were drugged. I went to each of them and tried to rouse them. Some responded and I was able to communicate with them. I told them that they didn’t have to stay there. I told them that just because their bodies were trapped did not mean that their spirits had to be also. I told them they could let their spirits out and I invited them to leave their bodies and go with me. A group of six of them decided to come along and we floated up out of the building and came to rest in a field of wildflowers. These children had never been allowed to play. They had never seen flowers or noticed butterflies. At first they didn’t know what to do so I had to show them. I started chasing a bright yellow swallowtail butterfly and they all began to follow. Soon they were smiling and then they were laughing. We all fell to the ground and rolled around giggling. We smelled flowers and felt the sun on our faces…… and then just as suddenly as we were there we were back again… in the dark room…..

    Their handlers had come to take them away.

    These children were being used like lab rats. They were being tortured and abused and experimented on. Some were used a sex slaves. Some were undergoing mind-control experiments, some were in programs designed to turn them into killing machines. Some were being trained and conditioned to do to others what was being done to them. Their spirits were being systematically destroyed.

    Now, do I think that what I saw was real? Given what I have learned from Svali I would not be completely surprised to find that it is but I have no way of knowing for sure at this time. What I do know is that it was meant to show me something. The cages may be symbolic. I pray that they are! What I do know for sure is that there are children who are trapped in unspeakably horrible lives and that they are being tortured, abused and experimented on all for the selfish and greedy gains of a few old men.

    I go back to that place in my meditations quite often and take the children out to play…. and the guard at the door…. although he has never decided to come with us…. he does allow me to give him a hug each time I’m there. He is as trapped and broken as the children are and even more afraid.

    There are people who say that I am pretty dark for a Lightworker. I tend to sometimes be the bearer of bad news and I am sorry for that but only to a small extent. I know it’s hard to look at this stuff. I of all people completely understand how hard it is to see and feel these horrors. I am an empath and I feel all of it intensely. But, I will not shy away from it and try to pretend it isn’t happening. I think we are more effective as healers if we know where to direct our healing Light. Intention is an important element in energy healing so now that I know where the Energy is needed I can intentionally direct it there.

    The illuminati are a small group of families who wield immense but waning power and control in our world today. Don’t think for a minute that they don’t exist. They have a long and well documented history that has been quite successfully suppressed in the past but that is now coming to Light. They are responsible for the state of our economy and for a whole plethora of human rights abuses which are being perpetrated on us and even more so on their own families.  They are, right now, trying to start world war three. They need those people that they have tortured into submission in order to maintain the power they have over us but I know that most of them would leave “the order” at the drop of a hat if they knew they’d be safe. I am devoting my prayers, meditations and energy to helping and healing the people who are trapped by fear inside this monster…. this evil beast!

    We can erode their power structures simply by being aware of what they are trying to do. If we are not blind to their methods and motives they can no longer pull one over on us. Once you know the whole story and who the major players are you will be able to conduct your life in a way that is more in line with what is “for the good of all”. You will be amazed how well they have you conditioned to blindly play for their team. You unknowingly support them and allow them to influence your thinking (brainwash you) on a daily basis. Every time you pay your income taxes you are putting your money directly in their pockets. Unless you have your mortgage through a local bank your mortgage payment is probably going in their pockets, as well and as long as you have that mortgage in that big bank, they hold the title to your home. Isn’t it enough that we’ve allowed them to get away with stealing 26 trillion dollars from us in the past 4 years? Do you realize that 26 trillion dollars equals a quarter of a million dollars for every single household in America?

    We can stop them but first we have to face the truth about them.


  • Our Most Important Task is to DO and BE Forgiveness!

    By~ Angie Schuyler

    I feel it is NOW time for humanity to move away from the outworn dualistic paradigm.

    All separation is dissolving away. 

    WE ARE ALL ONE!  We are waking up to this realization, in mass, in exponentially growing numbers every moment. We are coming to remember that together we are an unstoppable force!

    We do have ethical and moral recourse and remedy for all that ails us but we must take it upon ourselves to claim it and utilize it. We each must take personal responsibility for reclaiming our personal freedom.

    The thing you have to be aware of is that the system we’ve been trapped in is a system of fear-based control that unites all of humanity into a worldwide corporate slavery system  and a worldwide monetary system and a worldwide government, for the benefit of a small handful of power hungry beings …. For whom I have great compassion, by the way.

    It must be dreadful to live in that world of greed and deception.

    In a society ruled by UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS there is no need for the lessons of darkness. Any lower vibrational beings who are left here find it suddenly very difficult to BE at ease within our higher vibrational world.

    The new Unity paradigm is a service to others based system in which all people share equally in the resources and riches of our planet. Everyone in alignment with this frequency understands that lending their energy to the whole is lending energy to the Self and they work together Lovingly and Co-operatively to create and maintain a peaceful, abundant way of life for ALL. They understand that when ONE suffers, ALL suffer.

    The old system restricted us.

    The new possibilities, releas us.

    The old system hid things from us.

    Once we successfully and wholeheartedly choose to remove the old, we pave the way for the release of all the suppressed resources, abundance, technologies and scientific findings that have been kept from us… free energy, cures for cancer and AIDS… the truth about our educational system…. our banking system…. well… everything….. I could just go on and on…. listing all the layers of illusion we’ve been living under.

    I am personally looking forward to the release of truth surrounding ETs. The powers that were have gone over-board attempting to portray aliens as scary and evil…. I have come to understand that what they portray to us as something we should fear and be suspicious of, is actually the things that threaten them the most.

    I’m simply not buying that we are in danger at the hands of other planetary beings!

    If those from other planets wished, for even a second, to do us harm they could have annihilated us a very long time ago.

    I suppose there could be some who wish us harm but it is very clear that we are well protected.

    I really do feel we must accept and forgive the oppressors  and thank them for having shared our duality. I say we even go so far as to invite them to raise themselves up so they may rejoin us in the Light. I feel that only through DOing and BEing forgiveness will we pass beyond this dualistic paradigm, into a paradigm of unity.







    “The landscape of Law in which we live has been radically changed by the OPPT UCC filings. The corporations and their “legal” system have been stripped out, leaving Universal Law, Common Law and UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) as the rules in play with each human on the planet acting with unlimited personal liability as an individual. NO corporate titles NO legal statute systems NO registration, insurance or authoritarian hierarchy remains…..”

    Read more at  Click on Courtesy Notice under Documents