March 19, 2013

  • Crystal Cities and Lava Beings

    In early March of 2013, during a meditation, I had a vision which was an extremely interesting experience. I was so affected by it that I wanted to share it with others.

    As I began the meditation I was contemplating my connection to ALL THAT IS, when suddenly and spontaneously, a blast of silver white Light entered me through my crown chakra and shot through me into the earth.

    As it entered the earth I saw it split into many smaller strands, about the thickness of guitar strings, and I could see them traveling down through crystal rooms within the earth.

    The rooms were all brightly lit by loads of large, clear quartz crystal points, which glowed from within. Amongst the crystals lounged strange beings that appeared to be made of liquid lava. They glowed and flowed and flickered, in flame-like tongues, which formed a humanoid figure, with a large head and short stubby body. 

    I could see these strands of silver white light passing through, what I perceived to be, their living rooms and then I saw them rise from their resting places and move over to those strands of light.

    They began to play them like a harp and the music rose back up through the caverns and through me and back out into the Universe, where it split into small strings of light and branched out to multitudes of other beings on other planets, who also played the strands, sending musical messages back down through me and into the earth.

    There were multiple beings playing the Light and the music they produced was rushing and roaring through me in both directions. It was quite intense and left quite an impression on me. I wanted everyone I know to experience it so I decided to share the experience with my Energy Work class and see if they could connect with the same musicians I had.

    My husband was able to hear the music but no one else expressed that they had any similar experiences to my own, so I was ready to just let it go and move on……

    Then, a couple days after the class I came across a video, posted by a Facebook friend, about monks meditating in a cave from which mysterious sounds had begun to be heard. This is an ancient cave, used for centuries by these monks, and suddenly these sounds have begun.



    I thought that was pretty cool because the sounds on this recording are identical to the sounds, heard in meditation, by my husband and I.

    Then, a little over a week after that class I am led to another video, by another Facebook friend’s post, which is an interview by Lilou Mace, with Drunvalo Malcizedeck.

    In this interview from 2010, Drunvalo describes the Lava Beings, just as I had seen them in my vision and also confirms that they do in fact, live in crystal geodes inside the earth!


    Has anyone else had this experience? 

  • You Gotta FEEL the FREEDOM!

    This is why I write the way I do.

    People have commented that my 2 recent blogs “From This Moment On” and “Envisioning a CVAC ~ “FROM THIS MOMENT ON” cont’d“ have evoked great joy and excitement within them, as they read.

    That was a very conscious intention, on my part because I know of the power of feelings….. especially JOY!

    Of all human emotion, I find JOY to be the most efficient at manifestation. If you can actually and sincerely, feel true JOY while visualizing your desires, you are creating what you desire!

     If you wish to create a joyful reality, you must feel joyful within your own being. When you visualize the life you desire, it is important to evoke the feelings you wish to have, in that new life. If you can’t feel it in your heart, it can’t manifest in your reality. Heart and head have to be in sync in order to manifest our visions. This is the “coherence” referred to in the Heartmath studies.

March 15, 2013

  • 13 Minutes of Grace at 1:13pm on 3/22/2013

    I have created an event, by this name, on Facebook. Please join if you feel moved to and invite everyone you feel led to invite.
    I am not going to devote too much energy to the whole “pope” issue except to make one very important point regarding the significant numerology they have drawn on.

    The number 13 is all over this event and it is very important for everyone to know why, so we can claim the power of this number, for ourselves, by our awareness.
    The new pope was:

    * voted in on 3/13/2013 – 3+1+3+2+0+1+3+ = 13 

    * 13 days after pope benedict stepped down  

    * new pope is 76  -  7+6=13.                                                                                         

    * he is the 265th successor of St. Peter 2+6+5=13

    I could probably find more, if I kept looking, but I’ll leave some of the fun to you if you want to try to find more.

    It is quite evident that the powers that were are making use of the potential in this number and have used it to hold force over us, at least as long as the federal reserve has been in existence and, in all actuality, a lot longer than that.

    On the Great Seal of the UNITED STATES, which can be found on our one dollar federal reserve note, you will observe the repetition of the number 13.

    On the front side of the seal you will find 13 stars above the eagle’s head, 13 stripes on the shield; the olive branch of peace has 13 branches and 13 berries; there are 13 arrows in the eagle’s other talon and 13 letters in the legend “E Pluribus Unum”.

    On the reversed side of the seal there are 13 layers of stone in the pyramid and the legend “Annuit Coeptis” has 13 letters.

    I tend to think that the forces that were use the repetition of the number 13 with clear intent.

    In regards to the influence of the number 13, Linda Goodman in her book “Star Signs” writes:

    “13 – Regeneration – Change

    13 is not an unlucky number, as many people believe. The ancients claimed that “He who understands how to use the number 13 will be given great power and dominion……..

    ……13 is a number of upheaval, so that new ground may be broken. It’s associated with power, which, if used for selfish purpose, will bring destruction upon itself.
    There is a warning of the unknown and the unexpected.
    Adapting to change gracefully will bring out the strength of the 13 vibration, and decrease any potential for negative. 13 is associated with genius – also with explorers, breaking the orthodox and new discoveries of all kinds.”

    I wonder if they are bringing destruction upon themselves by their self serving use of the power of this number!
    We have access to this power as well. We have 2 dates approaching us on which we can utilize the power of this number - 3/22/2013 and 3/31/2013
    Linda Goodman writes that “adapting to change gracefully” brings out the strength of the 13 vibration.
    Grace is a product of LOVE and through LOVEing intention and collective focus we can draw on 13′s potential to create positive change.
    I am asking/inviting everyone in the world to join with me at 1:13pm (which is 13:13 military time) in each time zone around the world, on 3/22/2013 to focus on peace, for 13 minutes. I am only going to focus on this one date because I don’t think we’ll need the other one. If we do we can still choose to utilize it.
    I chose military time because it is through the act of war that the forces that were funnel our energy and resources into their own coffers.
    To end war ends their reign over us.
    I am hoping that all will join me in a heart-centered visualization of the abrupt and complete elimination of all acts of aggression, abuse, deceit, violence, war and debt slavery on our planet.
    Imagine all combatants suddenly understanding their connection to ALL THAT IS and choosing to lay down their weapons.
    Imagine the hearts of our oppressors softening and opening to our LOVE.
    See them opening their coffers to ALL OF US and setting free ALL THE PEOPLE, all the hoarded resources, all the suppressed healing cures, all the suppressed technologies, all the hidden truths.
    See them waking up to their own Divine Spark and to the realization that the game is over and that they too have been set free to return to THE LIGHT.
    I have created a Facebook Event page for this called 13 Minutes of GRACE. I hope you will join and invite others.





March 13, 2013

  • An Idea to Shake up Your World

    My husband went to the IFate IChing tonight, with the statement: “Please give me insight into the CVAC.” 

    The result is so amazing we just have to share! I feel that everyone can get something out of this:

    “Just as a clap of thunder brings a jolt to the sky, this hexagram signifies the imminence of a powerful jolt to one’s life. Expect a new event, person or ide to shake up your world. This could prove to be a wonderful wake-up call. Although a layer of fear may arise at the onset of the jolt, overall this is a time when fear will transform into excitement. You will laugh amidst the chaos. Eyes once closed will now see. Shock brings a return of energy and power. Outer circumstances will be seen in a new light. New answers and new solutions appear before you. Or perhaps they were there all along.”


    weeehaaa & yooo freakin hoooo! That pretty much speaks for itself.

    What was your favorite part?

    Mine was  “Eyes once closed will now see.”!


    “The Changes to Line 5 Indicate: “Riding Shockwaves” – This line means to find inner stability in your own BEing. Don’t look for it on the outside, where it cannot be found When a series of surprises happen, the wise person stays centered in themselves and trusts that the tides will soon subside.”


    Meditate, meditate, meditate!



    “The Changes to Line 6 Indicate: “Being Consciously Still” – if a shock comes—don’t pressure yourself to react any differently than you are reacting. If you are frozen, then stay in the stillness for a while. BE with the sense of shock. The wise person sits right where they are until they regain their composure, and then acts from deep knowing.”



    We each need to move through this at our own pace. If we start making choices, before we have all the data, we may make mistakes. Now is the time to educate ourselves, brainstorm, think things through thoroughly and acclimate ourselves to all the difficult truths that we are being exposed to.

    We are just being made aware of how horribly we’ve been betrayed and used and abused. There is a grieving process to move through here and it cannot be forced. It will help us on the other side of the transition if we move through the process consciously and deliberately, in order to bring about a true healing for ALL.



    “Your inner most nature is innocent, free from blame and always spiritually worthy. Only the outer persona – the role we play – is subject to blame. Being human, one gets subject to misfortunes. This is a time to be authentically self-forgiving for all that you think you have done wrong. Your deepest and most natural self is not to blame. Suffering comes by not knowing what you are underneath all those layers of personality. BE natural and unpretentious. This hexagram is a reminder that underneath there is innocence.



    The forces that were needed for us to loath ourselves, and live in fear and degradation. They corrupted us in every possible way so that they could feed on our self-loathing. That was the energy they needed to survive.

    They made us believe that we are inherently sinful but I am here to tell you, that is a blatant lie. We are pure and innocent, by our truest nature. 

    There may be Christians who will want to argue on this point but no matter what you think you know about yourself… no matter how desperately you want to hang on to this (implanted) idea that tells you that you are so much less than you really are…..

    I KNOW you came from LOVE!

    I KNOW you are LOVE!

    And I KNOW there is nothing sinful about LOVE.

    Is there anyone who can argue that point?

    Oh… and just so we are clear.


    Hopefully I have made myself clear pleasedheart




March 12, 2013

  • Caleb ROCKS!—-or SUCKS! Depending on Your Point of View

    I have been thinking about what Caleb said last night and looking around at people’s reactions to it all.

    I find it quite amusing, really.

    We have such extreme reactions here!

    Those of us who “get” what the OPPT is REALLY about are grateful to Caleb, for his honesty….. and proud of him too! Even though it wasn’t easy for any of us to hear, Caleb has made the choice to stay true to his own BEing. I think that is admirable and inspirational! When ALL of us stand this strong our goal will finally be reached!

    This young man has great power and responsibility, placed in his lap. It was his free-will choice, what to do with that power, and instead of taking it for himself, He chose to give all of it to ALL OF US!

    His journey, through this process, might be equated, in some ways, to Frodo Baggins. Do any of us know the sacrifices this young man made along the way? I think we should be grateful to him. He has thrown The Ring into the fire and he has done it for The Highest Good of ALL!

    He understands that unless and until we stop sluffing off our responsibilities on others we will remain enslaved by those who bear those responsibilities for us.

    I Love You Caleb!

    Thanks for BEing YOU!


March 8, 2013


    This report chronicles the investigation done by Heather Anne Tucci-Jarraf and her team. This investigation uncovered and documented all the serious crimes being committed by the forces that were. The discoveries she made, during the course of this investigation, are what led her to want to free us from this slavery system. She has accomplished this through her creation of The One People’s Public Trust.

    Before you cast this off as meaningless nonsense, I suggest you take the time to read this document as well as all the other UCC documents which have been filed on our behalf. This is an amazing gift that we have been given. I pray we honor it by doing our part to make it our new reality.



  • Envisioning a CVAC ~ “FROM THIS MOMENT ON” cont’d

    By ~ Angie Schuyler

    I have been seeking an understanding of what the OPPT trustees have named the CVAC (Creator’s Value Asset Center).

    Some have described it as our new centers of governance. However, Heather describes them as our assistance centers.

    This has not been an easy subject for me to wrap my mind around but I think I am finally beginning to get it and I am going to attempt to portray it to you by using myself and my own aspirations as the springboard for this vision.

    In the interest of continuity I am going to continue to build on my initial vision, which I wrote about in my blog called “FROM THIS MOMENT ON”.

    This is a FICTIONAL story! It’s my own wish and dream… own idea of what a world created on the OPPT foundation might look like.


    Setting the scene and catching you up… The story begins…..

    It has recently been announced, in a very detailed document, released by the One People’s Public Trust, that




    (“BASIC NEEDS” = safe, healthy and clean food, air, water, clothing, energy, transportation, communication, housing, healing, education and spiritual sustenance)














    (That list was just a brief summary. See “FROM THIS MOMENT ON” for the details.)

    ….music chiming from my phone…. “All ya need is LOVE….. dun,dun,dun,dun,dun…All ya need is LOVE, LOVE…. LOVE is all ya need…. LOVE is all ya


    VAL! HI! I was just thinking about you! I was wondering how you are doing with all these changes we’ve been going through.

    I know! It’s crazy! Just 3 months have passed since the release of this document and although it was pretty intense at first, things are beginning to settle down, here.

    Are things okay in Indiana?

    Yup…. Good…. I imagine it’s pretty much the same everywhere. We all seem to be on the same page now.

    Oh… you had riots too huh?

    There were a few small riots at the superstores at first… people rushing after and squabbling over the remaining electronics, but everything has pretty much been cleaned out now. Those stores are all deserted. The only stores that remain open now are the family owned shops and smaller neighborhood groceries because those people, for the most part, have always Loved what they do. The necessary products are coming for us in ample and regular shipments.

    People did overdo it at first and take more than they really needed, but now that they see the shipments coming regularly, they are gaining confidence and learning to trust that they really are cared for.

    I’ve also been working with a team of people who are coordinating shipments and services, into the most impoverished areas of the world. It is so impressive to me, how we’ve pretty much come to a collective consensus that the clean, safe, free energy devices need to go to those impoverished areas first. I am so proud of US! I hear there is also new technology that changes desert into lush growing land and those technologies are being developed as we speak!

    Right now, people are starting to really have fun with all of this. They are planning trips to see old friends and family, that lack of money has prohibited them from seeing. People are traveling and resting and relaxing…. just beginning to figure out how to enjoy their new freedom. Trust and understanding is growing…. and with it, co-operation and responsibility. The timing of this was wonderful too, wasn’t it? We were heading into spring and now I see lots of people working together in gardens all over the city. There is such a joy in the air now.


    Yea…. I bet you are. I knew the Garden of Feedin’ was having it’s most successful year yet. Now that all your neighbors have quit their corporate jobs I bet they are all helping you and having a blast growing their own food! I can tell you’re having fun!

    What’s that….

    Yeah… trash has been an issue here too….

    The trash has been building up since the announcement. At least there have been volunteers, with pick-ups and trailers, who have been taking trash to the landfill, but not enough to keep up with all the mess. I was really excited to see a garbage truck this morning and a large brigade of people… men, women, kids…. all following along and helping to pick the trash up and put it in the truck. I heard, when I was at the CVAC (Creator’s Value Asset Center) yesterday, that there is a garbage disintegrator on it’s way to us. They say this thing creates more energy than it uses, I guess they are manufacturing these devices for distribution all around. Every community, and then eventually every household, will have them, and landfills will be obsolete.  

    The first few days were so much fun, weren’t they?!

    It was one big party here and a decadent spending spree for many of us.

    I admit, even I went a little overboard, but at least I tried to do it consciously. I spent all my value at local stores, private and family owned places. I bought some very cool custom made clothing and ordered some refurbished furniture!

    We really tested the limitlessness of our Liberty accounts. 

    Uh, hu…. uh, hu

    Yup, same here….

    The elimination of debt took a huge load off the people and they understood and accepted that quite easily but they’ve had a hard time wrapping their heads around the rest of it. They don’t really get what it means to be free yet and some are feeling insecure. Now that they have no one telling them what they can and cannot do, they are kinda lost. They are still pretty fearful and suspicious and still need to learn how to think for themselves.

    The CVACs have been a huge help, though. Do you have a center close to you, Val?

    OH! Good for you! I did the same thing! I volunteered to incubate a center out of my business/home. I only hosted it here for a month. That’s all the time we needed to have enough support to move it to a much larger location that was already set up with a whole bank of computer terminals. It was previously the local Michigan Works office which was the state run un-employment office.

    I went there yesterday, to start working through the process of expanding the healing center. You remember right?… The one I’ve always dreamed of…..?

    Yes we did dream this vision together! You really helped me to form my ideas way back then…. I’ll never forget the influence you had on me. I hope you know how grateful I am to you.


    While I was at the center, I had to wait a while because they were quite busy but I really didn’t mind because it was fascinating to sit there and watch people’s lives change, right in front of my eyes.

    I got to witness the joy and gratitude expressed by a young couple who discovered that they needed no money, in order to get the best healing care in the world for their 7 year old daughter who was dying of cancer. Up until now they’ve been told it was terminal…. nothing could be done to save her. Today they know she has a chance at life and are on their way to a natural cancer clinic in Sedona.

    I also listened to an assistant, named Todd. He was helping a middle aged man. He asked him what he wanted to do with his life. The man said, “Well really, if I had my choice, I’d do nothing but learn and travel.” It took Todd a few minutes to get him to believe that he is now free to do just that. Once he was convinced, they set out to make arrangements for him to attend art history classes, at a university in Italy. The guy was just beaming as he walked out past me.

    WHAT! Oh really! Are you?! That’s awesome. Who’s idea was it to go to school in Brazil?


    Great! You guys have fun! Maybe I’ll pop over there for a visit soon! Did you say you’ve contracted to teach there for 2 years? What will you teach? Oh… Brian is teaching music and you’ll teach organic gardening…. That’s sounds lovely!

    Oh no! You go ahead…. I want to hear all about it. I’ll get back to my story when you’re done. I know you are as excited as I am!



    I am so happy for you guys!


    Okay where was I?


    Oh yeah…

    The greatest thing I witnessed yesterday, was the jubilance of a homeless family of 6. They had just been given a beautiful new home. Their assistant, Joy, had showed them into the data base of empty, foreclosed homes and it was loaded with lots of pictures of the properties. She explained that this system had been set up by the forces that were and that when they were foreclosed on, all of it became secured for use by the people. Joy loves that we are able to utilize all their systems and their data to help the people they harmed. In the end they really have done us some huge favors.

    I’m really thankful to all the people who were working on the inside, when the announcements of the UCC filings came out on Christmas day last year. If they hadn’t gone right to work preserving and protecting the systems for the use of The One People. this transition might have been a lot more traumatic and clumsy. They really helped smooth the way!

    The father receiving the new home, said he was surprised that they hadn’t destroyed it before we got our hands on it. Joy told him that they did try to do just that but there were so many of The Awakened One People working within their system that they had made back-ups for all of it. There was very little that they were able to permanently destroy.

    Anyway, the homeless family were having so much fun picking out the home they wanted. In the end, they chose a small farm. There was lots of chatter about chickens and sheep, cats and dogs…. Mom was excited about the huge fenced garden area, in the back yard and Dad liked it for the workshop area in the garage and the kids loved that they each got their own rooms and a huge yard to play in. The oldest boy said “Sure is gonna beat sleeping in the car!”

    At one point though, mom got real serious and worried….

    “This is lovely but how are we going to afford the furniture and appliances and upkeep? It’s such a big house.”

    Joy was very patient with her as she tried to help her understand that she has direct access to all the resources she needs to take care of that property.

    Isn’t it great that we now have access to databases full of every resource we could ever need…. from animals to building materials…. from electricians to tree trimmers….

    Joy assured this mom that the CVAC is here to assist us in attaining whatever we need to make our dreams come true.

    I like how it connects all of us. If ever we have things we would like to get rid of, or services or products to barter with, we just enter that info into our databases and voila! everyone has a way to find everything they need.

    Joy was still having trouble helping the mom to understand “Yes but how am I going to take care of that huge house, four kids and work a job?” she asked.

    “Do you want to work a job outside the home?” Asked Joy ”You don’t have to and neither does your husband. You already have all that you would ever need, in 10 lifetimes. You are completely free to do whatever you want, whenever you want. All work you choose to do, from this day forward, is of your own free will. It is hoped that everyone will choose to devote some of their time and energy to maintaining the basic necessary functions of our society but there is no expectation of how, when, where or even that you do anything at all. Your basic needs are met as are everyone else’s” No obligations, no re-payments needed!

    “REALLY!” She screamed ”People have been telling me this but I thought they must have been misunderstanding. How can this be? How can all of us be so wealthy when there was so much debt and devastation in the world?”

    Joy, explained that there is so much abundance in this world that even when split equally between all 7 billion of us there is a value equal to far more than 10 billion dollars each. The only reason we never knew this before is that the forces that were had stolen it and hoarded it away from us and trapped all the people inside a craftily constructed slavery system, which the OPPT helped to free us from.

    I don’t know how Joy handled it from there because Janelle came skipping out to get me. It was my turn in the Dream Maker. The Dream Maker (my own pet name for it) is a huge database of resources. It lists land, houses, products and services which are available to all the people. 

    Janelle, has known me for a while so she knew what I was here for and had even been on the lookout for a suitable piece of property, for my healing center to grow up on. She excitedly started showing me pictures of a lovely rolling piece of land. It had a perfect mix of meadow, pasture and forest with a freshwater spring and a pretty good sized stream that ran right through the center of the property and emptied out on a small lake which was bordered by this property and two other land plots. The only building was a dilapidated old farm house and a couple piles of lumber that used to be barns. To me, that didn’t really matter because I was kinda excited about designing and building all eco-friendly buildings. I want to use all the new hemp building materials and free energy technology that will soon be exploding onto the market. I also want to be hands-on with the building process.

    Kevin and I are heading out to look at the property this afternoon. I’m hoping there’s some good growing land there. I’ll be taking my soil testing kit and my hikers. I want us to be completely self-sustainable so there is a lot of criteria to match up. It’s a 40 acre parcel so we’re hauling Nate’s quad out there so we can roam the whole plot and be sure it’s the right fit for us.

    It’s perfect that you called now, Val! I want you to design all the buildings on the property and the swimming pool to. I promised you that when my manifestation came into being, you’d be my architect. It’s time! Let’s get going on it!

    Okay… I’ll tell you what. You let me know as soon as you are settled in Brazil and I’ll be there!

    Once I make up my mind on the land, Janelle and I will start combing the databases for suppliers, builders and whatever else we will need to bring this dream to fruition. I’m also beginning to send out feelers for healing practitioners who’d like to set up shop at our facility. Every kind of holistic healer is welcome to apply for a position and will have the option of living on the property as well. I’m already working with a few who are thinking it over.

    I have opened my home, for the time being, to any and all who want to ask questions about the OPPT or who are in need of healing. There’s a great group of healers who have gravitated to us and we are helping many people to become acclimated to the new ways. I, jokingly, call us an un-programing center but in all actuality that is, really, what we are doing. The biggest obstacle people are bumping up against is the programing and we are helping them to transcend it. Truth, even if difficult to accept, is very healing. The feelings that get stirred up, just need to be processed and released. We are attracting a lot of artists to the center who are helping the people to do just that. When people find out, all the layers of illusion, they’ve been living under, they become very angry. The artists are helping, by guiding everyone to creative outlets for their anger. The yoga, mediation and dance classes we hold are also positive outlets.

    I, and several other energy workers, are also volunteering at the hospital. We are working on patients and teaching our way of healing to doctors, nurses, patients, as well as all their friends and families….. anyone who wants to learn is welcome. The entire landscape of the medical profession has now shifted, from suppression of symptoms and profit for a few, to actual healing, completely free of cost or obligation.

    I love hanging out at the hospital now because I am getting to witness some of the new healing technologies. Even the ghosts that used to make me uncomfortable are happier now!

    I watched on an ultrasound monitor while a tumor was healed by a sound frequency machine! I watched, with my own two eyes, while it began to vibrate and then completely disappeared!!! The docs tell me this is just the beginning of all the healing tools we will soon have available to us!

    It isn’t all, anywhere near smoothed out yet, but we are making steady progress and more and more people are stepping up daily, to offer their energy to making our new society work for the good of all.

    We live in such exciting times! I am so grateful to be here to experience this!

    Is that Lilly I hear calling you in the background? Okay…. you go get your baby up from her nap. I Love and miss you Vallie. I’ll talk to you again soon.

    Next time I’ll shut up and let you do all the talking!

    Give my Love to your family!


  • My Own Personal Litmus Test ~ Does the OPPT stand up to the test of LOVE?

    By ~ Angie Schuyler

    To me, LOVE is the only measure needed to determine the efficacy, desirability, feasibility, usability and effectiveness of any option placed before me. If it cannot withstand the test of LOVE I ditch it. If it is clearly an option based in LOVE I take it up and run with it.

    I have worked very hard over the past 15 years to manifest a new reality, in which all of humanity could live together in peace and unity.( I KNOW I have not been alone in this endeavor!) It has also been very important to me that we transition into this new reality in a peaceful LOVEing way. I have seen a couple marginally realistic ideas but they always fell short when measured by LOVE, mostly because they resorted to violence to remove the forces that were. Today, I test The One People’s Public Trust.

    Is the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) a LOVEing, viable, peaceful, freeing, opportunity, to end our enslavement by tftw (the forces that were)?

    LOVE is peaceful / Fear is violent.

    *The OPPT would create total peace around the world. It removes every possible reason for engaging in war. Every person is to have every single basic survival need met, free and clear of any payment or obligation, and it makes abundant resources available to ALL, in equal measure. No one would need for anything, that belongs to another, because we all already have access to whatever we want. There would be no motivation for war.

    *tftw created every war, ever known, at least since Roman times. They use violent force to take whatever they desire. They needed to create war because that was the best idea they could come up with for funneling all our resources into their own coffers. 

    LOVE is powerful / Fear is forceful

    *The OPPT is a powerful movement. The clearest indication of this is that We The People are recognizing and embracing the positive energy that’s all over it. We are picking up the gauntlet and running with it. We are seeing it’s value and possibilities and are ready to utilize the collective power it gives us.

    *tftw had believed that they were the powerful ones but they never had any real power to wield over us. All they had was what they forced us to give away to them. Have you ever noticed? Armed forces, police force, air force, etc, etc..

    LOVE is UNITY / Fear is separation

    *The OPPT is founded upon the knowing that WE ARE ALL ONE and that it is this important knowledge which brings this goal to fruition.

    *tftw create separation, alienation and strife between us. They work hard to make us suspicious and hateful toward each other and pit us against each other. They even brainwash us into killing each other. They know that when we unite they cease to hold force over us.

     LOVE is harmless / Fear is harmful

     *The OPPT has taken us back to a Common Law system which allows us every freedom to make our own choices as long as we respect others, their property and the earth. All they ask is that we “DO NO HARM.” 

     *tftw have forced us, under duress, to kill our own brothers and sisters, to fear them, to judge them, to hate them, to compete with them and hold prejudices against them. They clearly hold the intention of doing harm.

    LOVE empowers / Fear oppresses

    *The OPPT encourages me to stand in my own BEing and Do whatever I feel like doing, as long as I don’t hurt another.

    *tftw prefer we be mindless, sick, consumer robots who willingly succumb to their oppressive programming and direction.

    LOVE frees / Fear enslaves

    *The OPPT frees me from the slavery system.

    *tftw created the system of enslavement.

    LOVE encourages originality / Fear demands conformity

     *The OPPT makes it okay to be unique and stand in our own truth.

    *tftw were are making it less and less safe for us to, openly, speak our own minds and think for ourselves. 

    LOVE is transparent / Fear keeps secrets

    *The OPPT is completely geared toward total transparency, in all it’s functions. It encourages the full disclosure of all suppressed truths. It is ready to release hundreds of hidden/suppressed technologies which are to provide free energy for all and cures for the worst dis-ease on our planet. Success of the OPPT means that we truly can have open honest systems in place, that work of, for and by the people.

    *tftw have hidden things from us that would have freed us from illness and hunger and homelessness. They have kept our true power and ability a secret from us because they knew that once we became aware of it we would no longer be coerced to play the game with them. They knew we’d claim that power for ourselves rather than allow them to keep using it against us and they were right. We are reclaiming our power!

    LOVE is abundant /Fear is impoverished

     *The OPPT is able to bring great abundance, to every person on earth, in equal measure.

    *tftw have hoarded the world’s abundance while more and more people needlessly suffer and die in poverty, sickness, homelessness and starvation.

    LOVE is generous / Fear is greedy

    *The OPPT is offering ALL PEOPLE the opportunity to have everything we need, whenever we need it, in equal measure, for ALL.

    *tftw have stolen everything they possibly can from us. They have deprived us of basic necessities, while they themselves live in decadent luxury and hoard our precious resources in underground stashes.

    LOVE cures illness / Fear creates illness.

    *The OPPT gives us assurance that all people are to have completely free access to all truly healing modalities. There will be many new ones as well, when the hidden treatments are all released.

    *tftw created fear and fed us lies and poisons to creates dis-ease within us. Then they sold us useless treatments and pharmaceuticals that were only designed to suppress our symptoms rather than offer us a true cure.

    LOVE encourages me to use my free-will / Fear seeks to control my every thought, word and movement

    *The OPPT is giving me a completely free-will choice of whether I want to OPPT-IN or not. I do not feel forced to do anything against my will. I have not been asked to sign anything or pay anything. I am allowed and encouraged to think for myself, do my own research and express myself freely.

    *tftw intentionally, interrupted my ability to think for myself by high-jacking my education system and all my communications and entertainment media, in order to program my mind to do their bidding, as an unwitting slave. They must fear my free-thinking BEing, a great deal, to go to all that trouble. 

    LOVE accepts full responsibility / Fear refuses to take any responsibility

     *The OPPT has taken us back to Common Law which means every person acts, in full personal liability, for everything we do. There’s no insurance company or corporation to hide behind and yet these people and I, are completely willing to stand in full responsibility for our every action. 

     *tftw, up to now, have failed to stand in integrity and take responsibility for the mess they’ve made of our world and the harm they have done to life upon it.

    LOVE tells the truth / Fear tells lies

    *The OPPT is all about total disclosure of all truths, even though many of those truths are going to be very difficult for some to hear. For the OPPT to be a success we all must know all the facts of how we got to where we are, so we can choose a future path, which avoids the pitfalls.  

    *tftw made an art of lying to us as a way of controlling us. They used every possible means they could think of. They lied to us in school, in our churches, through books and television and magazines and movies.  


    Regardless of what has gone before, we have been given the perfect tool and opportunity to end this dualistic paradigm and move smoothly into a new one, ruled by unity consciousness and based in LOVE!

    How or why, anyone would argue with LOVE, is beyond me.





March 7, 2013

  • OPPT ~ Great News Or Disinfo? –

    This is a very well written article! ENJOY! It is awesome to see it on OpEdNews! They have a huge readership! YAY!

    Great News Or Disinfo? — All Global Banks & Corporate Governments Have Been Foreclosed and Their Assets Seized!

    OpEdNews Op Eds 3/6/2013 at 17:49:14


    The news has been sweeping across the Internet for weeks that all banks, corporations, and corporations masquerading as governments have all been foreclosed, legally and lawfully, and their assets seized.

    In a series of public filings, the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) have foreclosed on the Powers That Be — now called the Powers That Were (PTW) — using the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), the code for all global commerce.

    The One People’s Public Trust was set up for all the people of the planet and all are named as beneficiaries. Among the trustees is former attorney Heather Tucci-Jarraf, an expert in UCC who once worked on the inside for the Powers That Were.

    In a clever and insightful move, Heather and her colleagues bonded themselves to the Trust that was framed in the original U.S. Constitution of 1776 — the same Constitution that was abandoned with the corporatization of the United States government in 1933. They then bonded every human being on earth to the Trust as Beneficiaries in Equity, to be known as the “One People, created by the Creator”. This means that the Trust has a superior claim to any other — there can be no higher claim than that of the OPPT, unless it is made by the Great Creator Himself.

    The OPPT has charged the corporate beast — government, banks, corporations — with fraud, treason, and slavery. In the filings, they claim that these corporations collectively, aka “the Debtor”, “knowingly, willingly and intentionally committed treason” by “owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems” and “operating Slavery Systems used against”citizens without their knowing, willing and intentional consent“.

    As a remedy, the OPPT has foreclosed and terminated the governments, banks, and corporations responsible and confiscated all their assets and infrastructures, including all gold & silver held by the banking system. The OPPT claims these assets on behalf of the One People. This is all done legally and lawfully in accordance with internationally accepted rules of the Uniform Commercial Code.

    The governments, banks, and corporations failed to rebut the charges, a fatal thing to do in the laws of commerce. Perhaps they realized that if any one of them raised his head above the parapet he risked going straight to jail. (The Pope’s threatened arrest may have unnerved them; also the hasty stepping down of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.) Their failure to rebut or answer the charges led to Default and Termination.

    All filings are a matter of public record. Copies can be viewed or downloaded at the OPPT website:   Many of these documents make heavy reading for the layman but are extremely interesting nonetheless. More layman-friendly information can be seen on other sites listed at the end of this article.

    One interesting OPPT document is the Courtesy Notice. The CN empowers an individual to respond to demands or threats from banks, corporations, or governments by informing their pursuer that he or she no longer has a corporate safety net to fall back on but are now acting on their own unlimited personal liability. This is a scary position for a bank manager or debt collector.

    The OPPT has also provided for Creator’s Value Asset Centers (CVACs) to take over from corporate-run governments. There is one CVAC in place for each country of the world. An equivalent of 10 billion U.S. dollars has been set aside for each human on the planet. This is to fund a new way of living where there is no debt, taxes, or controlling powers over you.

    Also, previously hidden technology will be put in place to give us free energy. This arises from the discoveries of Tesla, Keshe, and others.

    Can this all really be true or is it disinformation from the elite of the NWO?

    When you read all the filings, the information on many websites, and listen to the trustees on podcasts one does get the sense that this is all genuine and truly inspirational. Sure, there are naysayers. But that is to be expected.

    If the United Nations, the Bank for International Settlements, the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Government, and others cannot rebut the serious charges brought forth by OPPT, then there has to be some real substance to it. You’ll see on the Net where certain attorneys and judges have looked at the filings and called them “bullet-proof”.

    If, on the other hand, it is a scam devised by the NWO to confuse and dishearten us, then it has spectacularly backfired. News of the OPPT is awakening people at an exponential rate, people who might otherwise remain fast asleep. In early January this writer noted that Google returned only a few thousand pages on One People’s Public Trust; last week there were over 8 million pages and a short time ago Google returned 17,600,000 pages in .31 sec.

    Furthermore, once the People see what awaits them around the corner they will settle for nothing less.

    Please look at the filings and do your own research. Are we on the cusp of a New Golden Age?

    The Guardian Express covers the OPPT in this article:

    LINK TO ARTICLE:—by-Gabriel-Donohoe-130306-401.html

March 5, 2013

  • Why do people have such a hard time wrapping their minds around the OPPT?

    BY~Angie Schuyler

    I think I have an answer to this question.

    I think it’s because this is something that has to be understood spiritually before it can be understood intellectually.

    It’s a heart, over head, thing.

    I find that some people doubt that humans are capable of living together in peace and co-operation. They don’t think that we are able to accept full personal responsibility for our own actions…. or even that we can be honest and trusting, or that we can give and share openly and freely. 

    It’s no ones fault that we think this way. It is by design. It’s part of the game we came here to play.

    Our opponents, in this game, have imparted to us the ideas that suit their agenda of complete control. The only way to conquer us is to divide us and they think they can win the game by conquering us. We just need to remember, they are simply playing their role, to give us an opportunity to play our role. Their soul is no more evil or hopeless than our own. We live in a duality and in a duality, opposition is a given. In order for there to be good in this reality there also has to be a perceived evil and someone has to play that part!

    As part of the game, we have been taught to mistrust each other…. to be suspicious of everyone. From an early age, we are told not to talk to strangers, because they might intend to do us harm. We are taught to hate each other and to be prejudiced against anyone who is different from us. We are taught “don’t get involved” when we see others being harmed. We are told not to give too much away, incase we might not have enough for ourselves.

    Because of this, some people tend to hold the view that humans are too lazy, irresponsible, greedy, violent, unworthy, uncaring and selfish to ever create the world the OPPT envisions.

    I have talked to several people who say things like. “Wow, yeah, nice fairytale, Angie. If only…..” or “Angie, I love your optimism but…..really? Come on…” or  ”I’d love to live in a peaceful world but it’s not going to happen….. at least not in our lifetime.”

    Those of us who KNOW that WE ARE ALL ONE, KNOW and understand, HOW, and WHY, the OPPT CAN work and that it represents the end of the old game and the beginning of a new one. I guess, what it boils down to is, who is ready to stop living in duality and start living in unity? It is a free will choice. Perhaps you are enjoying duality and you decide you want to play the duality game some more. I can’t see why that would be a problem, as long as you and I are playing on different boards. As long as your free will choice, to be in duality, does not infringe on my free will choice to live in unity, it’s all good. I think the Universe is vast enough to accommodate a game for each of us.

    KNOWING OUR ONENESS is something we all came into this game with. It is that sacred knowledge, deep within us, which keeps us migrating toward that mysterious, final objective. Deep inside, every Eternal Heart, is this realization that we are ALL connected to ALL THAT IS. When we understand this we are able to dump all the divisive programming and make our final move. We can finish this game and move on to a new one. I, for one, am ready for a game of UNITY. This duality stuff has been a fun challenge but I’m tired and ready for a change of scenery. 

    Separation, weakens us, isolates us and makes us vulnerable and fearful. Our fear is the energy that allows our opponents to stay lost in the game. When we no longer fear each other and choose instead, to LOVE each other, this game ends! When we can recognize them as ONE with us, they are likely to become our allies, rather than our opponents…. or, at very least…. they’ll choose to move on to a new game and allow this one to end.

    The One People’s Public Trust is made for people who choose to work in UNITY. OPPT people are ready to live in peace. They choose to share and care and help and give, to ALL; abundantly, freely and in equal measure, for ALL. For us it has absolutely NOTHING to do with money.

    In a world built within a paradigm of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS, the vision held by the creators of the One People’s Public Trust can’t help but naturally evolve into BEing.

    Should we choose that reality, there is nothing left to DO, 

    other than,

    BE ONE.

