February 23, 2013

  • Does it matter if the OPPT, UCC filings are “legal” or not?

    By ~ Angie Schuyler

    “No power on earth can stop an idea whose time has come.”
    ~Rajiv Gandhi

    If nothing else, the One People’s Public Trust, UCC filings, have served as a wake-up call to all of humanity. It has made us publicly aware of the corruption of our political and monetary systems. It has informed us, in no uncertain terms, that we’ve been duped. We’ve been forced to come to the stark realization that all the systems we have allowed to be built up around us, as alleged systems of support (for, of and by the people) are in reality, for-profit corporations that are draining the earth of her resources and stealing all of humanity blind. 

    They have no true authority over us!

    Now that we know this, how can we ignore it and allow it to continue?

    The way I see it, we need to face the fact that there are no real governments, no real courts, no real judges. The Federal Reserve is a for-profit, private corporation, as is the Internal Revenue Service. In reality, there is no legal entity which has any right to say that these filings are legal or illegal.

    All the entities, which have been taxing us into oblivion, are privately owned, for profit, corporations that pocket and hoard everything we allow them to take from us. The so called ”legal” system is nothing more than their thug-arm collection system.

    Are we going to continue to allow them to pilfer from us, or are we going to stand up and reclaim our power?

    The financial sector, which is completely intertwined with the government and legal systems, is also a huge issue. Now that we understand that money is an illusion and we have been working ourselves to death, paying interest and payments on a lie, which has literally been created out of thin air, what will we choose to do in response?

    Will we continue to succumb to this facade? Are we so apathetic, complacent, lazy and irresponsible as to knowingly sell our future generations into a slavery system, with ever-tightening controls and elevating levels of cruelty and greed?

    Regardless of whether the One People’s Public Trust, UCC filings would be considered “legal” will we knowingly submit to the slavery system and continue to allow the corruption and crimes against humanity, to continue?

    We do not need our current government, monetary and judicial systems, near as much as they need us. Without us they will falter and fail and we will be free to re-invent ourselves, according to what is the Highest Good of ALL.

    It is our own energy which allows them to keep doing us harm. As long as we allow them to take it, we are complicit in our own demise. Is it not time for us to seriously consider withdrawing our energy, from their agendas, and start investing it, instead, into healing ourselves and our world?

    The greatest favor the OPPT has done for us is to reveal the truth which has the power to set us free.

    Freedom is an idea who’s time has come!

    “Not all the armies in the world can stop an idea whose time has come”
    ~Victor Hugo

Comments (2)

  • We can see where the “powers that still wannabe” are attempting to take this, as they clamour to regain control of a system that loaned NOTHING to us, but DEBT.

    How will they encourage us to continue to use a system like this?


    The idea that we just continue to pretend that money is only information, as we have been all along, BUT, this time we’d like to identify you with your eyeballs in your forehead, and the fingertips of your hand…  just another way to tag their property, us, if we continue to allow it.  I personally don’t want what they have planned, as we were warned by Aaron Russo in Freedom to Fascism, the elite want us chipped, for their control. 

    If we are to be so bold as to say no to these parasites who survive to control another day by leeching our energy, our work, our lives, then we may as well volunteer to get our hands and foreheads scanned right now.

    We can do better than this, and we will if we choose.

    That’s what the OPPT has shown me, “legal” papers or not.  Right now we’re operating under an oppressive, lawless system, and political parties are the least of it, as they are simply another control mechanism, and really, are they working for us?  Really?  If they’re not working for us, who are they working for, and do any of them need to be in positions of power any longer?

    Who are they to us?  A tiny dot. 

  • @saturnnights - Thanks for the rec Babe! Try to stay positive. Their days are numbered and we are free!

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