March 28, 2013

  • To ALL my “KIDS” ~ You know who you are

    If you are 36 or younger and I have ever hugged you, fed you, or told you I Love You, this letter is for you.

    I had a conversation recently, with a young lady who has come to hold a very important place in my heart. She is not unlike my own children or the many surrogate children who have come through my life over the past 15 years, since I began my spiritual journey.

    It is this conversation, which has inspired me to write this letter, but as I wrote I realized that I wish to say many of these things to all my kids. Most of you are Indigo or Crystal kids. I know many of you have come here to do special things… to play important roles in the transformation of our society. I also KNOW you KNOW it….. at least, on some level. Yet, I see most of you being inhibited and oppressed and in some cases, kinda lost. Some of you have forgotten where you came from, who you really are, and what you came here to do. I see you being crushed by financial stresses, too many hours at work and away from your children, no time for fun and creativity, no room for frivolity or spontaneity.

    It hurts my heart to see you have to struggle and I want it to end but in order to end it we all need to work together to make it happen. We all need to be awake, to the source of our issues, and aware of the solutions, while also realizing that WE ARE ALL ONE. There’s a huge source of strength and courage in knowing our ONEness.

    I wish I could just snap my fingers and awaken everyone, in an instant! Snap! Poof! I wave my magic wand and IT’S DONE! Everyone is AWAKE, RIGHT NOW!

    … case that didn’t work…. 

    I continue, to do what I can, to hold the space, until all are ready, willing, and able, to step into it. I pray to see all people come to realize, and claim, your rightful power and dominion over your own personal value.

    Let me tell you about the young woman who inspired this letter. Maybe, some of you can relate and it will help you.

    She is a free spirit, with an open and loving heart, who looks at all of life, and people, with a child-like innocence, trust and wonder.

    Last summer, when I first met her….. I’ll never forget that moment…. I walked into the co-op gallery, introduced myself, only to have her fly out from behind the counter and into my arms. She greeted me with the warmest, most genuine hug I’ve ever received. I LOVEd her instantly. She’s in her mid 20s. At the time she was single, living with mom and working, pretty much, full-time at the gallery. She was having the time of her life! It was clear that she enjoyed what she was doing, even though it didn’t pay a dime. It was completely volunteer and gave her the time and opportunity and inspiration to be her, wonderfully artistic, creative self. She was alive and vibrant in that environment. Yet, she was never allowed to completely enjoy it because she had adults all around her telling her that she had to start being more responsible. They told her she had to get a full-time, paying, job so she could start taking care of herself. She was always feeling guilty, like she wasn’t making a viable contribution to society and wasn’t living up to the expectations of others. But she was working really hard and making a wonderful contribution! In an ideal world she’d have been praised and encouraged to keep doing what made her so happy and to feel proud of what she was accomplishing there. In an ideal world she would never have to worry about money.

    In my opinion, her attitude is one to be emulated and admired. If I had my way she’d be content with who she is. Yet, she has lots of guilt about it.

    She comes here and tells me how she’s working hard to become “more responsible”. She tells me that she needs to stop ignoring the bills, when they come in. She says, with shame, that she has a habit of not opening her mail and of ignoring issues that need to be faced, like the $253.00 traffic fine she got for having a tail light issue and not having her registration in the car; and about her student loan which she is now in default on; and about filing her tax forms. I can tell all of this stuff stresses her out but she seems to think this stress is something she NEEDS to take responsibility for….. that she needs to accept as her own. Sure, it is important that she take responsibility for her own well-being and that she is reliable and trustworthy in her affairs but I question some of the things she is taking responsibility for.

    She is equating ”being more responsible” with dollars… it’s all about money. If we removed money from our lives we’d all be completely free to just be ourselves and do what we love.

    I know it’s not easy to imagine a world without money but it is a very real possibility and very worthy of imagining.

    I really want you all to think hard about this. What would all of you do, with your time and attention, if all money related issues suddenly disappeared from your life? How many actual problems would your have left to worry about, if the present money-based system suddenly disappeared and a new moneyless system replaced it. Imagine, that the new system meets all basic needs…. healthy food, shelter, medical care, clothing, energy, travel, education, personal care, clean water and clean air. You would never need to pay for any of those things again. How would you live, if all you ever need to do is whatever you choose to do, (as long as it does no harm, to another, or their property, and you take full responsibility for your own personal actions)?

    I was literally, fighting off tears, and biting my tongue, as I sat and witnessed this vibrant young spirit, squashing herself with self-imposed, unnecessary limitations which are based completely on a cruel illusion. I’m watching it happen, right before my very eyes, with so many of you. I want to be able to do something about it and I do know of a way.

    It is disappointing to me that my young friend won’t talk with me about the OPPT and what a gift it is to us and how it could change all our lives for the better.

    Actually, there are lots of people I feel this way about. I could really title this letter “An Open Letter to ALL!” and it would still be perfectly suitable. However, I am finding many have been very successfully programmed, to believe in and accept the illusion and fear of the current system. The forces that were, have become very good at the programming game and you can bet, if you went to public school, you have been subject to some very deep mind manipulation. Even the music you listen to and the games you play and the television shows you watch are programming tools, that keep you trapped within the old ways of fear and violence and lack.

    I tried bringing up the OPPT subject, to this young friend and her boyfriend, several weeks ago and it didn’t go over very well. I’ve tried to bring it up to lots of people but, for the most part, I have been met with either complete apathy or intense fear. Now, every time I mention it to this particular friend, I feel her energy withdraw from me…. she’s not alone…..

    I understand, it’s a hard thing, to look at these truths, and even harder to accept. Nobody wants to admit they’ve been so excellently fooled but denying it or pretending it isn’t happening, only makes us part of the problem and keeps us trapped.

    I don’t want to force this on anyone. It is everyone’s free will choice, what to do with this information. I just need to do my thing and make sure you all have it. It is my Soul’s purpose to tell you all about this so you can at least be making informed decisions. I hope that all of you KNOW that I offer this to you with LOVE and NO EXPECTATIONS. Do with it what you will. I won’t badger you about it. Just know that I am offering you The Greatest Gift possible, and I am doing it with LOVE. I don’t want to loose any of you, by pushing this issue. Yet, my heart breaks to see you all succumbing to the beast, especially when, NOW, we have just the tool we need to be free of the wretched monster!

    When I originally brought up the OPPT to my friend, I asked her “Don’t you want to be free?” She indignantly insisted “I AM FREE!” I know she KNOWS …. on a soul level…. that she is free. I understand that and I am very thankful that she still remembers that fact. However, she doesn’t realize that she is not free, in her mind, or in her body and she is unable to accept this. A free body and mind would have no limitations on what it can do or where it can go. A free body would not be a slave to money and would not allow themselves to be traded on the stock market for the greedy profit of a few money mongering elitists. I’m hoping to see her completely free, on all levels of her being, before she does forget, that very essential, soul level, knowing. 

    I want to see you all free!

    I pray that you can come to see, that if you were truly free, you would never have to feel guilty, about BEing who you genuinely are. You would never have to feel like you are being irresponsible, for not paying attention to matters related to such things as unlawful traffic fines, illegal taxes, or fraudulent student loans and mortgages…… or going to a job that does not bring you fulfillment and joy…… All of these things are money related matters and money is a complete fiction…. a completely unnecessary and severely damaging piece of our reality, which has served only to enslave us and which could be eradicated, if everyone were to wake up to it’s fallacy and treat it as such.

    We all should be allowed to live in care-free wonder. We should all be allowed to be as free as we want to be and never be made to feel guilty about that. Yet, here I sit, watching helplessly, while this lovely young woman chooses to make herself go against her basic nature and instinct, so she can fit in and be more acceptable to friends, family and society.

    Obviously, something in her knows that money is bunk…… that she shouldn’t have to work a meaningless job…. that she shouldn’t have to pay bills…..

    It’s not you that’s wrong, Darlin’! It’s the system that needs changing. You, My Dear, are perfect, just the way you are. I hope and pray that someday you know this and are able to live accordingly!

    And that goes for all of you… ALL OF YOU! All my LOVEd ones. All my Crystals, all my Indigos and all my fellow Rainbow Bridges. We Rainbow Bridges are those of us who have come before you kids, to remind you, help you and support you on your way to doing what you came here to do.

    I greatly dislike having to sit here and watch all you Great and Powerful, Spiritual Light Beings, (YES! THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE… IT IS WHAT WE ALL ARE!) giving your power away to parasitic entities who are feeding off your Life Force Energy. They are stealing it from you and then using it against you….. against us all.

    Because WE ARE ALL ONE, because we are all so intimately connected we have here a “Harm to ONE is harm to ALL” scenario. If even one person on this planet is homeless, hungry or ill, we ALL are. War against one of us is war against ALL us. So, even if you think you are fine and all is well because you have a job, a home, food, clothes and medical care; in reality you are fooling yourself. ALL cannot be fine until ALL of us are cared for and provided for, in equal measure, all around the world. There is way more than enough for every single person on this planet to live abundantly. It is time we reclaimed all the hoarded resources and abolish the system which enslaves us.

    Will you choose to ignore what I say here? That is your prerogative. You can continue to allow your energy to go to them, but just know that you have made a conscious free-will choice to remain enslaved. If you give authority, over yourSelf, or over the products of your personal labor (creativity, property, money, time) to a banker, a politician, a policeman, a judge, a lawyer, a teacher, a minister, a doctor, an insurance salesman, a soldier…. or anyone, who coerces you into doing anything that goes against your free will, then you are allowing those entities to use you and control you.

    The lawful and un-rebutted OPPT UCC filings have given ALL OF US a legitimate, PEACEFUL tool, which we can use to lawfully stand up to the fraudulent, forces that were, and free the whole world of war, corruption and greed. The slavery system and all illegal corporate governments have been abolished. The fraudulent banking system and all it’s corporate support systems have been foreclosed. The invasive corporate vine has been pulled out by the roots and the only thing keeping it alive is the dwindling life-force remaining within it’s stalks and leaves. With no new sustenance to feed on, it can whither and die. However, we still need to cut off the roots, to insure that it is not able to re-root and re-grow. There are some who are so afraid of change, or of taking full responsibility, for the creation of their own reality and their own actions, that they would deliberately re-root this menace, rather than free themselves of it.

    The OPPT has reclaimed the original People’s Trust of 1776 which has taken us back to Common Law rule and to our original, direct, uninterrupted, unhindered; rights, relationship and communication with our Creator Source. It has removed us from under all fraudulent, corrupt, abusive, tyrannical and cruel, systems of control and dominance. It has returned our true power and value to US.

    Anyone who attempts to exercise authority over you…. anyone who places themselves between you and your Creator, who tries to take your value from you without equal exchange, or who interrupts your freedom and ability to live according to your own personal free-will choice, is out of line with your Highest Good and is stepping in between you and God and you have the GOD-GIVEN RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY to stand up and let them know that you will not submit to them any more. When you KNOW who you are, and who they are NOT, and YOU can stand strong in that KNOWING, all oppressors are eradicated. The root of the invasive vine, is severed, completely, and it can never take root again!

    (A SPECIAL NOTE TO MY KIDS UNDER 18: I am not advocating that you start ignoring parental guidance. Until you are of age and leave their home you still need to live by their rules. I do think you should be educating your parents on this information, though. It does effect ALL of us.)

    Because of the OPPT UCC filings we are ALL now FREE to DO, only what we are moved to DO, and BE, only who we choose to BE.


    I wish for ALL of YOU to live in a world where you KNOW you are FREE to DO only what FEELS right to you. That you are taught, and allowed, and encouraged, to always follow your HEART!

    Whether any one of you wakes up, as a result of this letter, I am DOing all that I can, to free you kids; mind, body and soul; whether you like it or not!  




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